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Professional Legal Group is based in Kyiv, Ukraine. We provide wide range of legal services Wordwide. In particular: Contract work, Legal support for IT business, Legal services for online forms of doing business, marketplaces, etc., Legal adviser on food products (Food Law Advisor), Claim work, representation in courts, Corporate legal relations, Intellectual property, Labor relations, Tax law, Antitrust relations and unfair competition.
Contract work
Legal support for IT business
Tax law
Commercial Law
Antitrust relations
Intellectual Property
What We Provide
Legal services for IT business (drafting agreements for the provision of services, Master Service Agreements, non-disclosure agreements (NDA), non-compete agreements (NCA), Terms&Conditions, Data Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, SaaS documentation, consulting on GDPR, etc.)
Advising on tax legislation issues (including tax rates and fees, tax regimes, transfer pricing, controlled foreign companies, etc.). Analysis of the legislation of foreign states (including on the subject of starting a business, taxation systems, business practices, opening representative offices, etc.).
Drafting and proofreading of all types of agreements (including foreign economic contracts): buying and selling, supply, storage, services, rent, loan, insurance, leasing, commission, agency contracts, etc.
Consulting on legal issues regardless of the field or direction of business. Legal services for online forms of doing business, marketplaces, etc. (drafting the Terms of Use of Websites (online platforms), Terms of Confidentiality, etc.
Brief description of our services
Our most popular Pricing Plans
I have been working with this team of lawyers for more than 10 years. I was very lucky to meet these people, as they have already helped my company with legal issues many times, and I am sure that they will help me many times in the future. Thank you for your work!
It is a great pleasure to always have at hand a team of professionals who are well versed not only in purely legal matters, but also in such specific areas as finance, taxation, cross-border currency operations and many other areas that would be difficult for an ordinary non-financial lawyer to understand.
As a hardened specialist, I consider myself quite demanding, especially with outsourced contractors. However, I am amazed at how easily they find a common language with me and my IT specialists. I don't know how it is in other areas, but I am convinced that they have no equal among IT lawyers.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consec adipis elit. Etiam accum lacus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consec adipis elit. Etiam accum lacus
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consec adipis elit. Etiam accum lacus
From Blog
Separate provisions for determining the content of radionuclides and their hazards Law of Ukraine “On protection of human from the impact of ionizing radiation” of January 14, 1998 No 15/98-BP defines the effective dose of radiation as a calculated dose of human exposure, which takes into account the contribution of the effects of exposure of various organs and tissues on the health of the person as a whole. Irradiation is the effect on a person of ionizing radiation, which may be external radiation as a result of practical activity from sources of ionizing radiation outside the body or internal radiation from sources of ionizing radiation that are inside the body. Population irradiation is the radiation experienced by a person from nuclear facilities and sources of ionizing radiation, with the exception of occupational and medical radiation and radiation caused by local natural background radiation.
Read MoreЗг. ч. 5 ст. 261 ЦК України, за зобов’язаннями з визначеним строком виконання перебіг позовної давності починається зі спливом строку виконання. За зобов’язаннями, строк виконання яких не визначений або визначений моментом вимоги, перебіг позовної давності починається від дня, коли у кредитора виникає право пред’явити вимогу про виконання зобов’язання. Якщо боржникові надається пільговий строк для виконання такої вимоги, перебіг позовної давності починається зі спливом цього строку (ч. 5 ст. 261 ЦК України). Виходячи з вищевикладеного, збільшення сторонами в контракті строку виконання зобовʹязання (строку оплати за поставлений товар) призведе до відстрочення моменту початку перебігу строку позовної давності і, як наслідок, моменту настання підстави для визнання дебіторської заборгованості безнадійною і такою, що підлягає списанню.
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