We are

Professional Legal Group

Ukrainian Legal Company, International Legal Consultant, IT Law Advisor, Commercial Law Advisor, Tax Law Advisor, Your Trusty Assistant in Law
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Learn About Us

20 Years Experience

Professional Legal Group is based in Kyiv, Ukraine. We provide wide range of legal services Wordwide. In particular: Contract work, Legal support for IT business, Legal services for online forms of doing business, marketplaces, etc., Legal adviser on food products (Food Law Advisor), Claim work, representation in courts, Corporate legal relations, Intellectual property, Labor relations, Tax law, Antitrust relations and unfair competition.

Contract work


Legal support for IT business


Tax law


Commercial Law


Antitrust relations


Intellectual Property


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What We Provide

Awesome Quality Services

IT Law Advisor

Legal services for IT business (drafting agreements for the provision of services, Master Service Agreements, non-disclosure agreements (NDA), non-compete agreements (NCA), Terms&Conditions, Data Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, SaaS documentation, consulting on GDPR, etc.)

Tax Law

Advising on tax legislation issues (including tax rates and fees, tax regimes, transfer pricing, controlled foreign companies, etc.). Analysis of the legislation of foreign states (including on the subject of starting a business, taxation systems, business practices, opening representative offices, etc.).

Contract work

Drafting and proofreading of all types of agreements (including foreign economic contracts): buying and selling, supply, storage, services, rent, loan, insurance, leasing, commission, agency contracts, etc.

Commercial Law Advisor

Consulting on legal issues regardless of the field or direction of business. Legal services for online forms of doing business, marketplaces, etc. (drafting the Terms of Use of Websites (online platforms), Terms of Confidentiality, etc.

Brief description of our services


2004 - Present Time

Contract work

Drafting and proofreading of all types of agreements (including foreign economic contracts): buying and selling, supply, storage, services, rent, loan, insurance, leasing, commission, agency contracts, etc.

2017 - Present Time

Legal services for IT business

Drafting agreements/contracts for the provision of IT-Services (including foreign economic), Master Service Agreements, drafting of non-disclosure agreements (NDA), non-compete agreements (NCA), Terms&Conditions, Data Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, drafting of legal documentation for providing services under the SaaS scheme, consulting on GDPR, etc.

2015 - Present Time

Legal services for online forms of doing business, marketplaces

Drafting the Terms of Use of Websites (online platforms), Terms of Confidentiality, Conditions for the transfer and storage of personal data, drafting accession agreements (public offer) and other documents for legal support activities of online platforms, analysis and advice on the legislation of different countries on the validity of the applied forms in the respective jurisdictions, taking into account the transnational nature of online sales/services

2018 - Present Time

Food Law Advisor

Acting as a legal advisor on food products (Food Law Advisor) for foreign companies (preparation of legal opinions and references on legislation in the field of production and sale of food products, the use of food additives, standards for the production and labeling of specific products, packaging requirements, regulatory the content of harmful substances and specific elements in food products, checking labels for compliance with legislation (label check))

2004 - Present Time

Commercial Law Advisor

Consulting on legal issues regardless of the field or direction. Registration/re-registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, making changes, drawing up documentation to confirm the final beneficiaries. Checking legal entities and individuals against available databases and registers (including the court register), proofreading registration and constituent documents of counterparties, focusing on the risks of the powers or legal personality of counterparties when concluding agreements.

2004 - Present Time

Corporate legal relations

Drafting constituent documents, minutes of general meetings of founders, decisions of owners, legal support for the activities of the supreme governing bodies of companies (organization and legal support for the preparation and holding of general meetings of participants, meetings of supervisory boards), drafting local regulatory documents of various directions, formalizing relations between founders and management. Legal support in transactions of purchase and sale of corporate rights, real estate transactions (purchase and sale, lease, property management), legal audit of assets and documents of legal entities before acquiring corporate rights, documents and rights to real estate; legal audit of assets before acquiring companies; implementation of property protection optimization schemes.

2004 - Present Time

Intellectual property

Drafting and proofreading license and sublicense agreements, registration of trademarks, analysis of materials on infringement of intellectual property rights and development of a strategy for protection, checking brands against official databases, analysis of legislation on specific requests, judicial protection of intellectual property rights, legal protection of intellectual property rights in the context of antitrust relations, customs relations, advising on new projects involving intellectual property.

Our Portfolio

Some screens of our works

  • All
  • Contract Work
  • IT Law
  • Commercial Law

Supply Contract


Privacy Policy


Reference on toxic elements


Transfer of creditor`s rights


Terms of use of the website


Financial Agrarian Receipt


Our most popular Pricing Plans

Affordable Price


$300/ mo

  • Drafting, proofreading and editing of contracts
  • Consultations on general legal issues


$1000/ mo

  • Drafting, proofreading and editing of contracts
  • Consultations on general legal issues
  • Responses to legal requests of state bodies and commercial companies
  • Participation in negotiations
  • Consultations on specific legal issues, thematic selection of legal acts
  • Analytical legal work
  • Development of a legal position and analysis of legal risks, participation in the development of a general strategy (legal part)
  • Legal Comlpliance
  • Work with claims and reclamations
  • Tax consulting
  • Analysis of legislation of foreign jurisdictions

Our Team

Expert Team Members


Yuriy Shkvarchuk

CEO, IT-Lawyer, Commercial Lawyer, Barrister

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Tetiana Syrotinets

Commercial Lawyer, Barrister

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Nadiya Golovchenko

IT-Lawyer, Commercial Lawyer, Barrister

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Maksim Borovko

Commercial Lawyer, Tax Lawyer, Barrister

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From Blog

Latest Articles


Reference On The Legal Regulation Of The Handling Of Toxic Elements, Pesticides And Radionuclides In Ukraine


Legal analitics on specific activities



Separate provisions for determining the content of radionuclides and their hazards Law of Ukraine “On protection of human from the impact of ionizing radiation” of January 14, 1998 No 15/98-BP defines the effective dose of radiation as a calculated dose of human exposure, which takes into account the contribution of the effects of exposure of various organs and tissues on the health of the person as a whole. Irradiation is the effect on a person of ionizing radiation, which may be external radiation as a result of practical activity from sources of ionizing radiation outside the body or internal radiation from sources of ionizing radiation that are inside the body. Population irradiation is the radiation experienced by a person from nuclear facilities and sources of ionizing radiation, with the exception of occupational and medical radiation and radiation caused by local natural background radiation.

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Визнання безнадійною та списання дебіторської заборгованості


Commercial and Tax Law



Зг. ч. 5 ст. 261 ЦК України, за зобов’язаннями з визначеним строком виконання перебіг позовної давності починається зі спливом строку виконання. За зобов’язаннями, строк виконання яких не визначений або визначений моментом вимоги, перебіг позовної давності починається від дня, коли у кредитора виникає право пред’явити вимогу про виконання зобов’язання. Якщо боржникові надається пільговий строк для виконання такої вимоги, перебіг позовної давності починається зі спливом цього строку (ч. 5 ст. 261 ЦК України). Виходячи з вищевикладеного, збільшення сторонами в контракті строку виконання зобовʹязання (строку оплати за поставлений товар) призведе до відстрочення моменту початку перебігу строку позовної давності і, як наслідок, моменту настання підстави для визнання дебіторської заборгованості безнадійною і такою, що підлягає списанню.

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